Workstation Policy

Workstation Policy

Netspective Unified Process

This Workstation Policy outlines the recommended practices for minimizing the risk of data loss or exposure through workstations. It applies to all employees and contractors, and defines a workstation as any device owned by the Netspective Communications LLC or personally owned but containing Netspective Communications LLC data.

Workstation devices

  • The operating system should not be more than one generation older than the current one.

  • The device should have encryption at rest. [FII-SCF-015-MDM-03]

  • The employee must lock the device when not in use or when leaving the workstation.

  • Workstations should be used only for authorized business purposes.

  • Employees should report immediately any loss or destruction of devices.

  • Laptops and desktop devices should run the latest version of IT-approved antivirus software.

Desktop & laptop devices

  • The Netspective Communications LLC will issue a desktop, laptop, or both to employees based on their job duties. Contractors are responsible for providing their own laptops.
  • The desktops and laptops must run on linux, macOS or Windows.

Mobile devices [FII-SCF-015-MDM-01]

  • Users must operate mobile devices as defined in the Removable Media Policy, Cloud Storage, and Bring Your Own Device Policy. [FII-SCF-009-DCH-12]
  • Mobile devices must run on iOS or Android.
  • Users may only access Netspective Communications LLC data on mobile devices through Slack and Gmail.

Removable media [FII-SCF-009-DCH-12]

  • Users must operate removable media as defined in the Removable Media Policy, Cloud Storage, and Bring Your Own Device Policy.
  • Approved devices may use removable media as long as it does not conflict with other policies.

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on June 13, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Sreejith K on June 13, 2023