Whistleblower Policy

Whistleblower Policy

SOC2 CertificationNetspective Unified Process

The whistleblower policy requires reporting any such activities through a secure and confidential channel without fear of retaliation. It also mandates that the relevant authorities thoroughly investigate all such reports and take appropriate actions to address them.

  • Netspective Communications LLC management promotes an open-door policy for employees and contractors to share their questions, concerns, suggestions, or complaints with their managers in all locations, with the goal of preventing social engineering attempts at Netspective Communications LLC. This point is emphasized during information security training and awareness. [FII-SCF-023-SAT-02]
  • If employees or contractors are uncomfortable speaking with their managers or unsatisfied with their responses, Netspective Communications LLC encourages them to directly contact top management over the phone, email, chat, hangouts, or other means.
  • Managers must report suspected ethical and legal violations of employees in writing to the Netspective Communications LLC’s IT Head, who is responsible for investigating all complaints.
  • If employees wish to remain anonymous for any reason, they may leave a written note at Netspective Communications LLC’s top management work station.
  • Every concern or report of wrongdoing will be logged in a ticketing system with priority, urgency, impact, and allocated to the appropriate team and location for resolution.
  • Netspective Communications LLC encourages whistleblowing by suitably rewarding employees who report any wrongdoing (if not anonymous).
  • Netspective Communications LLC keeps a log of all corrective and preventive actions taken to address security incidents. [FII-SCF-007-MON-02]
  • Netspective Communications LLC top management reviews whistleblower complaints for spurious, incorrect, deliberate, or enmity reports, and therefore proper evidence collection is essential before taking any action. Only genuine cases are pursued to closure.

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on June 13, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Sreejith K on June 13, 2023