Patch Management Policy

Patch Management Policy

Netspective Unified Process

The Patch Management Policy uses a structured process of testing, documentation, implementation, validation, and tracking to manage the installation of patches. It applies to all assets owned by Netspective Communications LLC, including devices, employees, contractors, and temporary workers, regardless of location. [FII-SCF-027-VPM-01.1]

Procedure Invocation

  • Procedure must be followed whenever there is:
New Update/Patch
  • Prior to applying new update/patch the system inventory must be checked in order to verify if the update/patch is relevant to any of the information resources and they are tested for any harmful effect on Netspective Communications LLC Information Systems in test environment before installing it live environment.
Security Audit
  • If in the security audit a missing update/patch has been identified, it’s necessary to apply the missing updates/patch on Netspective Communications LLC Information System.


  • Each role involved in this procedure should have main responsibilities as follows:
Department Management
  • Is accountable for ensuring that the “Patch Management Procedure” is properly communicated and understood within its respective Netspective Communications LLC directorates.
    - Is responsible for defining, approving, and implementing the “Patch Management Procedure” in entire Netspective Communications LLC Information Systems environment.
Information Security Department
  • The Information Security Officer is responsible for ensuring the development, implementation, and maintenance of the “Patch Management Procedure” in Netspective Communications LLC
Asset Owner
  • Submitting new update/patch requests for approval using Netspective Communications LLC approved procedures and tools.
    - Ensuring proper testing has been performed and documentation has been developed prior to changes implementation to the production environment.
Information Technology Department
  • Evaluate the new patch in terms of priority, importance, and necessity and provide the specific reasons for acceptance or rejection.

  • Perform all the necessary Testing in test environment before releasing it to live environment (functional, security, etc.)

  • Implement the required/approved patches.
    - Maintain a current record of all patches applied to production environment.

Procedure Details

  • Procedures Flow Chart backup-procedures
  • Flow Chart Symbols backup-procedures
    • Procedure Flow Chart Details
      • User / Asset Owner Role backup-procedures
Step 1: Need for new Patch / Update
  • Scheduled Patch.

  • New patch available.
    - Patches Audit Report.
  • A business request or a technical requirement has to be identified. A patch/change request form should be submitted to the Department Management.
OutputsChange request form.
  • Department Management backup-procedures
Step 2: Evaluate Business Needs
InputsChange request form.
  • Review the change request form and evaluate the need for change in term of business needs.
    - Review and evaluate the change request form in terms of priority, importance, necessity, nature of the change, mainly, the need of update/patch in the system, Decide for approval.
  • Evaluated change Request, If approved proceed to step 3 for evaluate request, If not approved proceed to step 6.
Step 6: Inform Requester
InputsChange Request Form.
  • If the patch/change is not approved, Update the requester of the outcome of the patch/change request.
OutputsChange Request Form and End the request.
  • Information Technology Department backup-procedures
Step 3: Evaluate Request/Test Patch
InputsEvaluated change request form.
  • Evaluate request form and decide for approval, if approved test patch in test environment.
  • Tested change request form and if approved proceed to step 4.
    - If not approved inform requestor, proceed step 6.
Step 4: Implement Patch
InputsSuccessfully Tested Change request form.
  • Implement the approved/necessary Patches.
    - Proceed to step 6 and step 5.
OutputsImplemented change Request
Step 5: Update Change History Log
InputsImplemented change request.
Activities- Update the specific change history log
OutputsChange/Update history log.

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on June 13, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Sreejith K on June 13, 2023