Internal and External Communication Policy

Internal and External Communication Policy

Netspective Unified Process

The Netspective Communications LLC offers and manages the following forms of electronic communication, messaging agents, and electronic facilities: internal and external email (e-mail), telephone voicemail, internet access, and computer hardware and software. To provide its employees with the previously mentioned communication access, Netspective Communications LLC imposes certain restrictions on the workplace use of these facilities. [FII-SCF-016-NET-13]

Use of Electronic Mail (E-mail)

Netspective Communications LLC offers access to electronic mail communication to its employees and certain vendors referred to as employee-users. The primary purpose of this system is to facilitate necessary business communications between individuals. Therefore, employee-users should only use electronic mail for business purposes related to the University. Access to email is a privilege that can be revoked at any time. Employee-users agree to comply with this policy by using email. Netspective Communications LLC expects employee-users to be familiar with all of its policies. Violations of this policy or any other company policies may result in disciplinary action, including immediate revocation of system privileges and termination. The Chief Information Officer and the Internal Auditor may monitor email communications to ensure compliance with all company policies. Any information contained in email communications becomes the property of Netspective Communications LLC. The Netspective Communications LLC reserves the right to access and disclose all messages sent via email and stored in the company’s information system

Email Accounts

  • To access the Netspective Communications LLC’s network and Internet, employee-users must authenticate themselves using a network username and password assigned by the Netspective Communications LLC. The individual who receives the username and password is responsible for maintaining its security. If someone else (such as a family member) uses the username and password to access the network and Internet, that user will be held accountable for any actions taken.

  • Each employee-user is assigned an electronic mail account, and they are accountable for all communication sent from that account. Employee-users are prohibited from allowing others to send emails from their account or using someone else’s account to send emails for their own purposes. Employees should be aware that email communications made through the Netspective Communications LLC’s system are not private. Although employees are given a username and password, it does not guarantee that transmissions will not be scrutinized by the employer.

Personal Use

  • The Netspective Communications LLC’s network is primarily intended for business purposes when using electronic mail. However, employees may also use email for personal reasons, provided that it does not obstruct the Netspective Communications LLC’s operations or cause harm or embarrassment to Tuskegee University or its members. Employee-users are expected to use email for personal reasons during their own time and in a way that does not interfere with their job responsibilities.

Proper and Ethical Use of Electronic Mail

  • Netspective Communications LLC management reserves the right to inspect e-mail, personal file directories, and other information stored on Netspective Communications LLC’s computers at any time and without prior notification.

  • Despite the company’s authority to recover and read electronic mail messages, other employees and individuals who have access to the messages should treat them as private and confidential, only intended for the intended recipient. Employees are not permitted to access or read any email messages that are not addressed to them unless authorized by the employer. Please consult the Acceptable Usage Policy for any exceptions to this rule.

  • Transmitting E-mail to “Everyone” Group, Distribution Lists and Listserv

    • Employee-users are not permitted to use the “Everyone” address group to send electronic mail to all other employee-users unless management has given them express permission.

Electronic Mail through the Internet

  • Management may authorize employee-users to send or receive electronic mail to and from individuals through the Internet (outside of Netspective Communications LLC network). However, the electronic mail system must not be utilized to transmit (upload) or receive (download) copyrighted materials, trade secrets, proprietary financial information, or comparable materials without prior permission.

Digital Communications

  • keep the content updated and accurate, content editors must regularly review their pages. Content editors agree to use only images or content that represent Netspective Communications LLC. The company reserves the right to remove outdated pages from the Netspective Communications LLC website.
  • Employees are specifically prohibited from using Netspective Communications LLC information systems or network to:
    • Harass, threaten, defame, slander, or intimidate any individual or group.
    • Generate and/or spread intolerant or hateful material directed against any individual or group based on race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran status, genetic makeup, or disability, which in the sole judgment of Netspective Communications LLC is directed against any individual or group.
    • Transmit or make accessible material that is offensive, violent, pornographic, annoying, or harassing, including using Netspective Communications LLC information systems or network to access and/or distribute obscene or sexually explicit material unrelated to University-sanctioned work or bona fide scholarship.
    • Generate falsely identified messages or content, including using forged content of any description.
    • Transmit or make accessible any university password information.
    • Access or attempt to access information systems and/or resources for which authority has not been explicitly granted by the system owner(s).
    • Capture, decipher, or record user IDs, passwords, or keystrokes.
    • Manipulate or tamper with uniform resource locators (URLs).
    • Intercept electronic communications of any kind.
    • Probe the security mechanisms of any resource on the Netspective Communications LLC network or on any other network through a connection to the Netspective Communications LLC network by any means.
    • Disclose or publish the means to defeat or disable the security mechanisms of any component of Netspective Communications LLC information systems or network.
    • Alter, degrade, damage, or destroy data on the media network.
    • Transmit computer viruses or malicious/destructive code of any description.
    • Conduct illegal, deceptive, or fraudulent activity.
    • Obtain, use, or retransmit copyrighted information without permission or acknowledgement of the copyright holder.
    • Tax, overload, impede, interfere with, damage, or degrade the normal functionality, performance, or integrity of any device, service, or function of Netspective Communications LLC information systems or network or the content, components, or resources of any other electronic system, network, service, or property of another party, corporation, institution, or Netspective Communications LLC.

Social Media Policies

  • Assign responsible administrators to each social media account.
  • Employees of Netspective Communications LLC who are identified as account administrators can remove inappropriate, offensive, injurious, and illegal content.
  • Consider best practices for social media accounts.

Social Media Types

Social media transforms the people to communicate with one another and receive news, information, and entertainment by using Internet and web-based technologies. It employs highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques to disseminate content through social interaction. Social media has turned people from content consumers into content producers. Types of social media include networks like Facebook and YouTube, as well as blogs and podcasts.

Social Media Accounts:

Individuals create accounts or profiles in social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on June 13, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Sreejith K on June 13, 2023