Infrastructure Authentication and Authorization Policy

Infrastructure Authentication and Authorization Policy

Netspective Unified Process

Netspective Communications LLC acknowledges its obligation to secure data, business systems, and IT resources within its ownership and control. To achieve this, PCII establishes and enforces policies, procedures, and standards that identify key security issues and the responsibilities of individuals, colleges, departments, and units in maintaining appropriate protection for university data and business systems. [FII-SCF-012-IAC-01]

  • The Netspective Communications LLC must ensure that all applications it develops and/or acquires are securely configured and managed. Refer Application Security Policy.

  • The application’s security design must consider and, if possible, apply the following security best practices:

    • Prominently display a confidential record banner if the application processes confidential information, highlighting the type of confidential data being accessed, such as PII or PHI.

    • Do not display sensitive data, especially data restricted by law or policy, in plaintext. [FII-SCF-018-PRI-05.2]

    • Ensure that applications properly and restrictively validate input, allowing only known correct input types, such as cross-site scripting, buffer overflow errors, and injection flaws.

    • Ensure that applications properly execute error handling to avoid providing detailed system information to unprivileged users, denying service, impairing security mechanisms, or crashing the system.

    • Authorize access to applications by affiliation, membership, or employment instead of by individual. If possible, allow users to log on to applications rather than networks. Conduct automated authorization reviews regularly.

    • Encrypt data at rest and in transit. [FII-SCF-008-CRY-05]

    • Implement application logging to the extent practical and retain logs of all users and access events for at least 90 days. [FII-SCF-016-NET-04]

    • Have qualified peers conduct security reviews of code for all new or significantly modified applications, particularly those that affect the collection, use, and/or display of confidential data. Document all actions taken.

    • Implement a change management process for changes to existing software applications.

    • Document the standard configuration of the application.

    • Immediately change default passwords used within the application, such as for administrative control panels or integration with databases upon installation.

    • Do not require the use of special characters or regular rotation for password policies.

    • Do not allow applications to have access to live data during development and testing.

  • If acquiring applications from a third party vendor, the organization must:

    • Only procure and use applications that are supported by an approved vendor.
    • Arrange full support contracts with the application vendor for the full life-cycle support.
    • Confirm with the vendor before applying any custom modifications to the application to ensure they can continue to provide support.
    • Implement updates, patches, and configuration changes issued by the vendor as soon as possible.
    • Conduct a full review of applications and licenses at least annually as part of regular software reviews.


Pass utility configured in FCR servers.

  • In Server 1

    • Create Private Git Bare Git Repos accessible only through SSH keys + IP restriction.
  • In Server 2

    • Generate GPG key with recommended security options, exported and kept the keys safe.
    • Initialize a password store.
    • Insert and generate passwords using pass utility.
    • Initialized the password store as a git repository and pushed to remote bare repository.
  • In Server 3

    • Import the GPG keys.
    • Git clone the password store from remote bare repository.
    • Retrieved the passwords using pass utility.

Password Store Structure


Netspective Communications LLC FCR Network


Netspective Communications LLC Digital Ocean Network


Citrus-Internal Network


Manage pass-based credentials securely across DO, FCR, Citrus, and AWS environments

Setup up GnuPG in Password Store Server:
gpg2 --full-generate-key<br/> Export the master key-pair and keep it in a safe location.

Initialize an empty password store with master key:
pass init <master-key-signature>

Insert / Generate password entries:
pass insert

Retrieve the password entries:

Managing your password-store with GIT:
Create a private Git in protected network. Must be Bare Git Repos accessible only through SSH keys + IP restrictions to SSH port.

In Git server.
git init --bare ~/.password-store

Initialize the password store git repository and push to Git server

pass git init
pass git remote add origin user@git-server:~/.password-store
pass git push

Onboarding creators(devs, BZO, etc.) staff

Setup up GnuPG in creator’s machine
gpg2 --full-generate-key

Export the GPG + SSH public key and share with ops personnel
gpg2 --export --armor <gpg-key-signature> > ~/<firstname>-publickey

Ops person will then import it to the password store server and tell GPG to trust the key and add to the password store like below.

Import the creator’s public key in Password Store Server
gpg2 --import /temporary-path/<firtname>-publickey

Trust the newly added Public key
gpg2 --edit-key <creators-gpg-key-signature>

Type trust and choose the option 5 like below, 5 = I trust ultimately

Add creator’s public key to password store:
vim /root/.password-store/.gpg-id
Append the creator’s signature - creators-gpg-key-signature as a new line

Re-encrypts the store with current gpg signatures.
pass init $(cat ~/.password-store/.gpg-id)

Push the modifications to git-server:
pass git push
After ops team added your key to the password store, creators can fetch the store and retrieve the passwords.

From creator’s machine:
git clone user@git-server:~/.password-store ~/.password-store

Retrieve the password entries:

Off boarding creators(devs, BZO, etc.) staff

Remove creator’s creators-gpg-key-signature from password store:
vim /root/.password-store/.gpg-id
Remove the creator’s signature - creators-gpg-key-signature line.

Re-encrypts the store with current keys.
pass init $(cat ~/.password-store/.gpg-id)

Push the modifications to git-server:
pass git push

From creator’s machine:
Fetch the latest updates, pass git pull

Retrieving the password entries will show below error:
gpg: decryption failed: No secret key
Then, remove creator’s SSH public key from remote Git Repository.

Onboarding an operation staff

Import the exported GnuPG master keypair in ops personal machine
gpg --import master-pubkey.asc
gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import master-privkey.asc

Share the SSH public key and fetch the remote password store git repository
git clone user@git-server:~/.password-store ~/.password-store

Retrieve the password entries

Off boarding an operation staff

Generate new GnuPG master key-pair:
gpg2 --full-generate-key

Replace old master key signature with new one in password store:
vim /root/.password-store/.gpg-id
Remove the old master signature - master-gpg-key-signature line.

Re-encrypts the store with current active key signatures
pass init $(cat ~/.password-store/.gpg-id)

Delete old Master private/public keys from server
gpg --delete-secret-keys <master-key-signature>
gpg --delete-keys <master-key-signature>

Push the modifications to git-server:
pass git push

From operation staff machine:
Fetch the latest updates,
pass git pull

Retrieving the password entries will show below error:
pass'<br/>gpg: decryption failed: No secret key`
Then, remove ops person’s SSH public key from remote Git Repository.

Instant password regeneration upon compromise

Use pass update extension for instantly changing required passwords.

pass update extends the pass utility with an update command which provides an easy flow for updating passwords.

Follow the installation steps from README.

After successfully installed pass update extension, we can follow below commands to update/generate new passwords.

  • Update the password file with new password
    pass update -p

  • Generate new password and update the password file:
    pass update

  • Update all the password files in a directory
    pass update -p

  • Invalidate someone having an old GPG key
    Evaluate current active GPG key signatures in password store,
    cat ~/.password-store/.gpg-id

    Check who is using each GPG key signatures,
    gpg2 --list-keys

    Edit below file and remove old GPG key signatures, vim ~/.password-store/.gpg-id

    Re-encrypts the store with current active keys,
    `pass init $(cat ~/.password-store/.gpg-id)’

    Push the modifications to git-server,
    pass git push

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on June 13, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Sreejith K on June 13, 2023