Encryption Policy

Encryption Policy

SOC2 CertificationNetspective Unified Process

The Encryption Policy of Netspective Communications LLC defines the requirements for using cryptographic controls and keys to protect information confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and nonrepudiation. The policy applies to all information, systems, equipment, and facilities within the scope of the Netspective Communications LLC’s information security program. All employees, contractors, part-time and temporary workers, service providers, and those employed by others to perform work on behalf of the Netspective Communications LLC must comply with this policy when dealing with cryptographic systems, algorithms, or keying material.

The Netspective Communications LLC must protect individual systems or information by means of cryptographic controls as defined in below table

Name of System/Type of Information Cryptographic Tool Encryption Algorithm Key Size
Public Key Infrastructure for Authentication Open SSL AES-256 256-bit Key
Data  Encryption Keys Open SSL AES-256 256-bit Key
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Keys Open SSL and OpenVPN AES-256 256-bit Key
Website SSL Certificate Open SSL, CERT AES-256 256-bit Key

Table: Cryptographic Controls

  1. The owners must manage keys in Netspective Communications LLC, except where otherwise stated. [FII-SCF-008-CRY-09]

  2. Netspective Communications LLC, protecting cryptographic keys against loss, change, or destruction requires applying appropriate access control mechanisms to prevent unauthorized use and regularly backing up keys.[FII-SCF-008-CRY-01]

  3. Netspective Communications LLC must perform key management actively, using software that automatically manages access control, secure storage, backup, and rotation of keys.[FII-SCF-008-CRY-01]

  4. Netspective Communications LLCs key management service must grant key access to specifically-designated users, who should have the ability to encrypt/decrypt the information and generate data encryption keys.[FII-SCF-008-CRY-05]

  5. Netspective Communications LLC’s key management service must grant key administration access to specifically-designated users, who should be able to create, schedule, delete, enable/disable rotation, and set usage policies for keys.[FII-SCF-008-CRY-01]

  6. Netspective Communications LLC’s key management service must actively rotate keys at least once every 12 months.[FII-SCF-008-CRY-01]

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on August 24, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Sreejith K on August 24, 2023