Code of Conduct Policy

Code of Conduct Policy

Netspective Unified Process

The Code of Conduct Policy expects all employees and contractors to avoid offensive and disruptive behavior, participate in disputes in a respectful and collaborative manner, and foster a positive work environment. It applies to everyone, as stated in their Employment Offer Letter or Independent Contractor Agreement. [FII-SCF-011-HRS-05.1]

Compliance with law

Employees are expected to understand and comply with all environmental, safety, and fair dealing laws (including Data Protection Regulation/Data Privacy laws) and to act ethically and responsibly when dealing with the Netspective Communications LLC’s products, finances, critical information, and public image. If an employee is uncertain whether an action is permitted by law or Netspective Communications LLC policy, they should seek advice from their resource manager.

Respect in the workplace [FII-SCF-011-HRS-07.1]

Employees to respect their colleagues and not engage in discriminatory behavior, harassment, or victimization.

Protection of Netspective Communications LLC property

Employees and contractors should treat Netspective Communications LLC property, both material and intangible, with respect and care. They should:

  • Not misuse Netspective Communications LLC equipment
  • Respect all intangible property, including trademarks, copyright, information, reports, and other property. These materials should be used only to complete job duties.
  • Protect Netspective Communications LLC facilities and other material property from damage and vandalism, whenever possible.

Personal appearance

Employees must present themselves in an appropriate and professional manner when in the workplace. They should abide by the Netspective Communications LLC dress code.


  • Employees are discouraged from accepting gifts from clients or partners.
  • Briberies are prohibited for the benefit of any external or internal party.

Job duties and authority

  • Employees should conduct their job duties with integrity and respect towards all individuals involved.
  • When delegating duties to team members, supervisors and managers should consider their competency and workload and avoid abusing their authority.
  • Team members are expected to follow their leaders’ instructions and complete their duties thoughtfully and in a timely manner.

Absenteeism and tardiness

Employees must be on time when arriving and leaving work and adhere to the schedule set by their hiring manager. If there are circumstances that prevent them from following standard working hours or days, they must obtain approval from their hiring manager for any exceptions.

Conflict of interest

Employees should avoid any personal, financial, or other interests that might compete with their job duties.


Employees should maintain a friendly and collaborative attitude towards their colleagues. They should not create disruptions or obstacles that hinder their colleagues’ work.


Colleagues, supervisors, or team members should communicate openly with each other.

Sexual harassment

  • The Netspective Communications LLC is committed to ensuring a workplace free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a crime and will not be tolerated.

  • Employees must not engage in any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that may constitute sexual harassment.

  • Certain unwelcome actions, such as repeatedly asking a person to socialize during off-duty hours when the person has declined or giving sexually suggestive gifts or objects, are inappropriate and may, depending on the circumstances, meet the definition of sexual harassment.

  • Sexual harassment can happen to anyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. The harasser can be a supervisor, co-worker, any member of the executive team, or a non-employee with a business relationship with the Netspective Communications LLC.

Substance abuse

  • The Netspective Communications LLC prohibits the usage of psychoactive substances, recreational drugs, and narcotics at the workplace. Using such substances impairs human cognition, results in suboptimal decision-making, and may lead to poor job performance and unsatisfactory customer experience.

  • Employees are prohibited from selling, possessing, using, manufacturing, and/or distributing drugs, including inhalants, illegal drugs, and over-the-counter drugs while on duty. They are also not allowed to sell, possess, use, manufacture, and/or distribute alcoholic beverages, drive Netspective Communications LLC vehicles while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, or use and/or distribute prescription drugs that cause drowsiness or impaired performance while working or being on the Netspective Communications LLC’s premises.

  • If there is sufficient proof of substance abuse, the Human Resources (HR) department should be contacted for assistance on how to respond before formally approaching the employee in question. Management, HR, and the employee in question will then convene for a formal meeting. The employee in question also has the right to ask for a witness or union representative to join the discussion.


We expect that employees do not abuse their employment benefits, such as time off, insurance, facilities, subscriptions, or any other benefits that our Netspective Communications LLC offers. For more information on benefits, please refer to Human Resources.


Employees must comply with Netspective Communications LLC policies. They should direct any questions to their hiring managers and/or Human Resources.

Disciplinary actions

Netspective Communications LLC will take disciplinary action against employees who repeatedly or intentionally violate the Code of Conduct Policy. The consequences will vary depending on the violation and may include demotion, reprimand, suspension, termination, or the loss of benefits for a definite or indefinite time. In cases of violence, corruption, theft, embezzlement, or other unlawful behavior, we may pursue legal action.”

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on June 13, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Sreejith K on June 13, 2023