Change Management Policy

Change Management Policy

Netspective Unified Process

The Change Management Procedure is to manage Netspective Communication LLC. Changes that require serious forethought, careful monitoring, and follow-up evaluation to reduce negative impact to the Netspective Communication LLC image & reputation and to increase the value of information resources. [FII-SCF-004-CHG-01]

Procedure Invocation

  • Procedure must be followed whenever there is:
System failure

System failure may result in the loss of the latest updates, patches, etc. As a result, installation of new update and patches are required.

New system/ Application Installation

Prior to the implementation on the new system/application to production all the updates and patches must be applied.

Security audit

During security audit, if a missing update/patch has been identified, it’s necessary to apply the missing updates/patch.


  • Each role involved in this procedure should have main responsibilities as follows:
Sr. Management
  • Is accountable for ensuring that the “Change Management Procedure” is properly communicated and understood within its respective area of delegation or functions. Netspective Communications LLC senior management is responsible for defining, approving, and implementing the “Change Management Procedure” in its Directorate.
    - Evaluate the change request in terms of business needs.
Information Security Department
  • The Information Security Department is responsible for ensuring the development, implementation, and maintenance of the Change Management Procedure.
Asset Owner
  • Submitting change requests for approval using Netspective Communications LLC approved procedures and tools.
    - Ensuring proper testing has been performed and documentation has been developed prior to changes implementation to the production environment.
Information Technology Department
  • Evaluate the change request in terms of priority, importance, and necessity and provide the specific reasons for acceptance or rejection of change request.

  • Responsible for providing a secure processing environment that protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information; ensuring changes to systems, networks, and applications in the production environment are made in accordance with the “Change Management Procedure”.

  • Perform all the necessary testing (functional, security, etc)

  • Implement the required/approved changes.
    - Maintain a current record of all changes applied to production environment.

Procedure Details

  • Procedures Flow Chart backup-procedures
  • Flow Chart Symbols backup-procedures
    • Procedure Flow Chart Details
      • Asset Owner Role backup-procedures
Step 1: Submit Change Request
  • A procedure trigger is activated

  • New system/ application acquisition and implementation.

  • Change request on infrastructure or applications.
    - Incident handling.

A business request or a technical requirement has to be identified; a change request form has been submitted to the Senior Management.

OutputsChange request form and send to Step 2.
  • Senior Management Role backup-procedures
Step 2: Evaluate Business Needs
InputsChange request form.
  • Review the change request form and evaluate the need for change in term of business needs.
    - Approve Major change requests.
  • Approval: submit to IT Related Departments. Proceed to step 3
    - Rejection: inform requester. Go to step 7
Step 7: Inform Requestor
InputsChange Request Form.
Activities- Update the requester of the outcome of the change request.
  • Information Technology Manager backup-procedures
Step 3: Evaluate Request
InputsChange request form and step 9
  • Review and evaluate the change request form in terms of priority, importance, necessity, nature of the change, mainly the need of configuration changes, i.e. changes to the configuration of IT assets (networks, systems, applications) and the effect on the business process.

  • Categorize the change 1: - Major Chang 2: - Minor Chang 3: - Urgent Change
    - For major change approval contact to senior management.
  • Approval: Minor and Urgent changes will be approved within IT department. Proceed to step 4.
    - Rejection: inform senior management. Go to step 7
  • Information Technology Department backup-procedures
Step 4: Test Change Request
InputsChange request form.
ActivitiesTest changes in test environment.
  • Successful: implement change request. Proceed to step 5
    - Non-successful: inform senior management. Got to step 7
Step 5: Implement Change Request
InputsChange Request Form.

Implement the approved/necessary changes in production environment.

OutputsCompleted change Request Form.
Step 6: Update Related Documents
InputsCompleted Change Request Form.
  • Update the specific change history log for the system/application.
    - Inform related departments to update related Documentation.
OutputsUpdated Change history log and proceed to Step7.
Step 8: Perform Rollout Plan
InputsImplementation of Change
  • If the Implementation of Change is not successful, the whole change process will be rolled out.
    - Inform the Management
OutputsProceed to step 9 Inform Management.
Step 9: Inform Management
InputsRollout Plan
ActivitiesThe request will be sent to step 3 for re-evaluation.
OutputsRequest will be categorized.

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on June 13, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Sreejith K on June 13, 2023