Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plan

Netspective Unified Process

The Business Continuity Plan provides a plan for resuming business operations for Netspective Communications LLC following a disaster. The Netspective Communications LLC’s ability to sustain essential functions during and after a catastrophic event is referred to as business continuity. [FII-SCF-003-BCD-01]

  • Netspective Communications LLC includes conducting a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) as part of its business continuity planning. The BIA aims to clearly identify the impact following a disruption. It is crucial to prioritize addressing the high impact on critical services and ensure sufficient backup and restoration processes are in place. [FII-SCF-003-BCD-11]

Deciding what business functions are critical [FII-SCF-003-BCD-02]

  • Disaster occurs and a decision is made to activate the business continuity plan, the following critical departments and functions will be initiated according to their priority. The goal is to enable Netspective Communications LLC to continue operating, even if at a minimal level, during a crisis.
Sr.No.Department nameOrder of continuity to normal businessJustificationWhat is needed to resume normal operationsExpected time to resume
1Software developmentPriority 1Client deliverables and billing loss1.Computer with OS , office, IM, browser3 days
    2.Development platform(IDE) 
    3.Latest code and DB, API 
    4.Internet and VPN 
    5.Requirements and design documents 
    6.Access details 
2FinancePriority 2Invoicing and taxation, payroll are critical1.Computer with OS, IM, Browser, Office4 days
    3.Latest backed up data of finance 
    5.Access details 
3PurchasePriority 3Any purchase to resume normal operations1.Computer with OS, office, browser, IM3 days
4HRPriority 4Attendance, Leaves, payroll1.Computer with OS, Office, Browser, IM4 days
    2.HRMS and latest backed up data 
5MarketingPriority 5Leads, new customers1.Computer with OS , Office, Browser, IM,3 days
    2.Latest backed up data 
6WebsitePriority 6Website to promote business1.Redeploy the existing code in hosting site5 days

Possible Business continuity options [FII-SCF-003-BCD-02.3]

  • The following are some of the continuity options to adopt to start operations at minimum level
IdPossible Business Continuity OptionsExplanation
BCO01Reciprocal agreements

Agreement with parties to lease on short- and long-term basis on demand

BCO02Using backups to restore lost dataUse backup and recovery to restore data
BCO03Work offsiteWork from home or offsite
BCO04Going ManualUse manual options to carry activity
BCO06Warm siteIn between hot and cold
BCO07Cold site

Cold sites provide the same recovery infrastructure as a hot site, but they don’t function as a complete replica of the primary environment.

What business continuity options to select during threat [FII-SCF-003-BCD-9.3]

  • The business continuity is invoked when the maximum tolerable downtime has exceeded and business impact has started resulting in revenue and reputational loss.

    Sr.No.ThreatWhat to do? What to focus first?What to do to resume normal Business Continuity Using
    1Fire1. Report to Fire brigade First preference should be to save lives of people1. BC003
      2. Evacuate 2. BCO01 - use reciprocal arrangements to continue work.
    1. Follow fire evacuation directions as given by fire brigade team
    1. If a laptop/PC is lost in fire use another laptop/PC after BC002 (back up data or mirror sites)
    2Heavy rains and floods1.Report to municipality First preference should be to save lives of people1.BCO03
      2.Evacute  2. BCO01 - use reciprocal arrangements to continue work.
      3.Switch off electricity 

    3.If a laptop/PC is lost in fire use another laptop/PC after BC002 (back up data or mirror sites)

    3Earthquake1.Report to MunicipalityFirst preference should be to save lives of people1.BCO03
      2.Evacuate as quickly as possible 
    1. BCO01 - use reciprocal arrangements to continue work. If a laptop/PC is lost in fire use another laptop/PC after BC002 (back up data or mirror sites)
    4Power outage1.Report to electricity boardSave the data before any shut down1.BCO03 - work from a site that has electricity
      2.Monitor UPS alarms   

    3.Switch off PCs and servers after saving the data before UPS goes down

    5Riots and Civil disobedience1.Report to law enforcementSaving human lives first priority1.BCO03 - work from home or another site
      2.Exit the place of work  
      3.Switch off computers  
    6Theft1.Report to law enforcement what is stolenSafety and security f people come firstBCO01 - use reciprocal arrangements to continue work.
      2.Lease or buy the item that is stolen Use BC002 (back up data or mirror sites)
    7Pandemic Use safety precautions as suggested by health departmentSaving human lives first priority1.BCO03 - work from home or another site
    8Cloud provider unavailability1.Report to cloud providerSaving local data and its classification is priority

    BCO04 - do manual work offline on local drives and then move the work to cloud when providers cloud is available.

      2.Do offline work and save in the local drives  
      3.Take back ups  
    9Network failure1.Report to Network providerSaving local work is priority

    BCO01 - Reciprocal arrangements or using other providers temporarily to carry out work.

      2.Do offline work and save in the local drives  
      3.Take back ups  
    10Hacking - cyber attack1.Report to law enforcement what is stolenSecurity of data and its classification is priorityUse BC002 (back up data or mirror sites)
      2.Restore data from back ups  
      3.Change Passwords  
      4.Close open ports  
      5.Monitor firewall logs  
    11Sudden computer crash1.Report to IT departmentSecurity of data and its classification is priority1.BCO03

    2.BCO01 - use reciprocal arrangements to continue work. Use another laptop/PC after BC002 (back up data or mirror sites)

    12Critical human resource exits

    1.Have back up resource always - critical job should not be done by 1 person

    Continuity of work as it was before exit with same quality is high priority.

    BCO01 - use reciprocal arrangements
      2.Vacations, job role transfers  

    3.Have knowledge transfer sessions to new hires, monitor knowledge transfer, reverse knowledge transfer before exit.


** Netspective Communications LLC Calling Tree** [FII-SCF-003-BCD-10]

Sr.NoNameCellEmail idSecond phone
1CEOShahid N.
2Offshore HeadSarji
4Implementation Project ManagerAjay K
5Technology ManagerAbdul Razak P

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on June 19, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Arun K R on June 19, 2023