Backup and Restoration Policy

Backup and Restoration Policy

Netspective Unified Process

The backup and restoration policy is to establish an effective procedure for the backup and restoration policy adopted by Netspective Communications LLC. Netspective Communications LLC considers its data as a valuable asset that could be lost or destroyed due to intentional or unintentional actions. Therefore, it is crucial for Netspective Communications LLC to safeguard its assets by implementing a backup procedure that outlines the necessary actions to protect its data. [FII-SCF-003-BCD-11]

  • 2.3 Procedure Invocation
    • Procedure must be followed whenever there is:
Request for Backup Request to Backup information
Request for RestorationRequest for restoring stored data from different departments
  • 2.4 Responsibilities

  • Each role involved in this procedure should have main responsibilities as follows:

Information Security Department

• Evaluate the backup plan
• Evaluate and Review with the Asset owner the restoration request.

Asset Owner

• Agree and review with the Information Technology Department all the details of the backup with regard to information assets.
• Review with the Information Security Department the restoration request.

Information Technology Department

• Head of IT will approve the backup plan.

• Ensure that the backup and restoration procedure is followed.

• Perform all activities required for the backup and restoration procedures (e.g. obtain, prepare the backup media and prepare systems for the backup/ restoration).

• Perform the backup procedure.

• Perform restoration procedure.

• Maintain accurate records of the backup and restoration procedure details and components.

  • 3. Procedure Details
    • 3.1 Backup Procedures backup-procedures
    • 3.2 Flow Chart Symbols flow-chart-symbols
      • 3.2.1 Backup Procedure Flow Chart Details
          1. Information Technology Department information-technology-department
Step 1: System Backup Plan Determination
InputsPlan requirements.

• With the participation of the asset owner a backup plan needs to be developed, which consists of the following:

o Backup scope: what type of information/ data needs the back up (e.g. databases, network settings, file system, etc).

o Backup frequency: durations by which back up will be taken (taking into consideration the criticality/ availability factors).

o Backup type: is it (full, incremental or online).

o Backup mechanism: is it (automatic or manual).

o Backup storage location: the storage for the backup media should be in a secure location on site/off site in different zone if possible. Taking into consideration the criticality/ availability factors.
o Backup retention period: establish the retention period for the backup media.

o Backup encryption: agree if encryption is required, for which data.

o Media labeling: agree on a labeling scheme.

o Media destruction: agree on media disposal process.
• Proceed to step 2.

OutputsBackup plan.
Step 3: Backup Process
InputsApproved Backup Plan.

• Perform backup on the systems / network devices.
• Proceed to step 4.

OutputsBackup verification.
Step 4: Backup Verification
InputsBackup Process/ results.

• The backup process will be validated to confirm the success of the process and no problems were encountered by the IT Department (Network / system administrator).

• On successful completion proceed to step 5.
• On failure completions go to step 6.

Step 5: Media Storage
InputsSuccessful Backup Media.

• The IT Department (Network / system administrator) will store the media as per the backup plan.
• IT Department (Network / system administrator) will update the backup record. End of procedure.


• Successful Backup Media.
• Updated backup and restoration log.

Step 6: Inspect backup Log.
InputsBackup log.

• In case of unsuccessful backup process the IT Department (Network / system administrator) will inspect logs for errors detection and corrective action will be taken.
• Proceed to step 3.


• Backup Inspection Results.
• Corrective action.
• Updated backup and restoration log.

    1. Head of Information Technology Department technology-department
Step 2: Approve Backup Plan
InputsBackup Plan.

• Once the plan has been determined, the Head of Information Technology Department will evaluate the plan and decide on approval.

• If plan approved (Yes) Proceed to step3
• If Plan is not approved (No) Proceed to step 2.

  • 3.3 Restoration procedure [FII-SCF-003-BCD-13] restoration-procedure
  • 3.3.1 Restoration Procedure Flow Chart Details
      1. Asset owner asset-owner
Step 1: Restoration Request
Inputs:Business need for restoration.
Outputs:Request form
Step 5: Restoration Verification
Inputs:Test Restoration process completion Results.

• Asset owner to confirm the success of the Test process, the data is restored completely. And that the data restored is the data needed and requested.

• If the process is successful proceed to step 6.

• If the process is unsuccessful Go to step 1.

Outputs:Accepted or Rejected Test Results.
    1. Information Security Department security-department
    Step 2: Evaluate Request
    Inputs:Request form.

    • The Information Technology Department will evaluate the overall Request.

    • If decision approved (Yes) proceed to step 3.
    • If the Request is not adequate it will be sent back to the asset owner for update and enhancement, Go to step 1

    Outputs:Decide for approval
      1. Information Technology Department information-technology-department
        Step 3: Restoration Preparation
        Inputs:Approved Request Form

        • Prepare storage media for restoration.

        • Prepare systems / network devices for restoration.
        • Proceed to Step 4.

        Outputs:Prepared system and Storage Media
        Step 4: Restore to Test Environment
        Inputs: Prepared system and Storage Media.

        • Perform restoration on the systems / network devices on Test Environment.
        • Proceed to step 5 for restoration verification.

        Outputs:Test Restoration process completion Results.
        Step 6: Implement Restoration

        Reviewed and verified restoration Request will be received from asset owner


        • If restoration is successful proceed to step 7.
        • If restoration is unsuccessful proceed to step 8.

        Outputs:Implementation of restoration.
        Step 7: Process Completion

        Restoration Process completion on Production system / network devices.


        • Update the Backup and Restoration Log.
        • Inform requester.


        Updated backup and restoration Log.

        Closed Change Request Form.

        Step 8: Inspect Log and correct errors

        Unsuccessful Restoration Process on system / network devices.


        • The logs of unsuccessful restoration process will be inspected for errors, and the errors will be corrected.
        • Update Restoration Log.

        • Update Change Request Form.
        • Go to step 4.


        Corrective action.

        Restoration Log

        Updated Change Request Form.

Approved by
Ajay Kumaran Nair on June 13, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Sreejith K on June 13, 2023