SOC2 Readiness Questionnaire

SOC2 Readiness Questionnaire

SOC2 Certification

The following is the SOC2 Readiness Questionnaire. Evidence is mapped according to the checklist and policies.

Category ID Name Description State Evidence link to
CC1 - Common Criteria Related to Control Environment
FII-SCF-011-HRS-05 Employee Manual or Handbook Are core values are communicated from executive management to personnel through policies and the employee handbook? Fulfilled Employee Handbook
FII-SCF-011-HRS-03 Organizational chart Is management's organizational structure with relevant reporting lines documented in an organization chart ? Fulfilled Organizational chart
FII-SCF-001-GOV-04 Including Privacy Officer and one executive position, i.e. CISO, CEO, CTO, CIO, and CFO? Can management provide a sample of (5) company job descriptions? Fulfilled General Roles Definition
FII-SCF-011-HRS-05.1 Employee Manual or Handbook Is there an employee handbook in place, and does it include the organization's entity values and behavioral standards? If yes, how is it made available for all employees? Fulfilled Employee Handbook
FII-SCF-011-HRS-05 Hiring procedures Has management documented formal HR procedures that include the employee on-boarding process? Fulfilled Hiring procedures
FII-SCF-011-HRS-04 Hiring checklist for a sample of employees Are new hire checklists utilized and activities documented to help facilitate new hire procedures? Fulfilled Hiring & On-boarding checklist
FII-SCF-011-HRS-09.3 Evidence that a third party (if a third party is used for recruiting) How are candidates recruited for job openings? Evidence could include the recruitment policies and procedures; a PowerPoint deck, a questionnaire, job opening postings, or emails. Fulfilled As we are not using a third party for recruitment.
FII-SCF-011-HRS-04.2 Evidence that Continued Professional Education Training is tracked and monitored for employees (e.g. tracking tool / spreadsheet) Are there any requirements for Continued Professional Education Training among employees? Fulfilled Professional Education Training
FII-SCF-023-SAT-02 Evidence could include a mentor program guide; a PowerPoint deck; emails Is there a mentor program to develop personnel in place? Fulfilled Professional Education Training
FII-SCF-011-HRS-09 Termination procedures Has management documented formal HR procedures that include employee terminations? Fulfilled Termination procedures
FII-SCF-011-HRS-09.1 Termination checklist for a sample of employees Are termination checklists utilized and activities documented to facilitate termination procedures? Fulfilled Termination and Off-boarding checklist
FII-SCF-011-HRS-02 Listing of Executive Management (e.g. President, CIO, CTO, CEO, CFO, etc.) Members Can you provide a listing of executive management members? Fulfilled Executive Management
FII-SCF-005-CPL-01 "Evidence could include performance evaluation forms, tracking tool/spreadsheet, or certificates" Are formal performance evaluations Fulfilled and documented? If yes, on what frequency and does this apply to all personnel? This includes executive management members such as CIO, CTO, CEO. Fulfilled Performance Evaluations
FII-SCF-0001-GOV-05 Employee training documentation Do employees complete periodic information security training? Fulfilled Employee Training
FII-SCF-0001-GOV-05.1 Evidence of cross-training employees Are employees cross-trained in roles and responsibilities? Evidence could include training materials; policies and procedures relating to training requirements; PowerPoint deck Fulfilled Employees cross-training
FII-SCF-011-HRS-05.1 Evidence of anonymous hotline in place (whistleblower line) Is there an employee hotline in place? Fulfilled Whistleblower Policy
FII-SCF-011-HRS-06.1 Policies/procedures on reporting unethical behavior, emails on reporting unethical behavior, PowerPoint deck, website) Are employees, third-parties, and customers directed on how to report unethical behavior in a confidential manner? Fulfilled We are using email communication for unethical behavior. Currently, no unethical behavior reporting happened.
FII-SCF-011-HRS-11 Internal Controls Matrix that includes:
"Does management maintain an Internal Controls Matrix?
Internal Controls Matrix that includes:
- a list of the internal controls implemented within the environment and technology infrastructure
- who owns and operates each of the internal controls in place
- the type of control (manual, automated, preventive, detective, corrective)
- frequency control operates (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, multiple times a day)
- documenting the relationship and linkage between business processes, the relevant technologies used to support the business processes, and the controls in place to help secure those business processes
Fulfilled Internal Controls Matrix
FII-SCF-001-GOV-01.1 Example operational reports that show the operational/system performance and internal controls effectiveness Does management meet on a regular basis to discuss organizational goals and objectives? (This could be operations management, IT management, executive management, or a combination of these.) Fulfilled Management Review Meeting Minutes
CC2 - Common Criteria Related to Information and Communications
FII-SCF-002-AST-04 Description of system/services "Has management documented the description of their system for the services provided to their customers? A system description would include the following components used to provide services to their customers:
* Infrastructure (facilities, hardware, equipment)
* Software
* People
* Procedures
* Data
Fulfilled Description of system/services
FII-SCF-016-NET-06.1 Organizational structure description from the intranet site Has management published the company's organizational structure? Fulfilled Organizational structure
FII-SCF-018-PRI-01 Privacy notice posted on website and software How are the entity's security/confidentiality responsibilities communicated to customers? Fulfilled Privacy Policy
FII-SCF-013-IRO-10 Customers are provided the procedures for reporting system failures and security breaches (if not in contract) How do customers report system failures and security breaches? Fulfilled System failures and Security breaches
FII-SCF-013-IRO-01 Incident Response Policies and Procedures Has management documented a formal Incident Response Policy? Fulfilled Incident Response Policy
FII-SCF-004-CHG-02 Employees are communicated system changes How are system changes communicated to employees? Fulfilled Change Management Tickets
FII-SCF-004-CHG-05 Customers are communicated system changes prior to implementing changes How are system changes communicated to customers? Fulfilled Release Notes
27 Main product/service walk through (screen share) Opportunity to observe and walk through product and services in scope, review data entered in the in-scope system, review data processed, and review data outputted from the in-scope system for completeness / accuracy Fulfilled We are prepared to go through our product in the upcoming meeting.
FII-SCF-002-AST-04 Data flow diagram Data flow diagrams, process flow charts, and narratives identifying how data flows within the environment including the relevant information sources and systems Fulfilled Architecture
FII-SCF-007-MON-01.7 File integrity monitoring File integrity monitoring software configurations and example alert generated from the file integrity monitoring software Fulfilled File integrity monitoring
FII-SCF-016-NET-12.2 VPN authenication configuration VPN authentication configurations including password settings Fulfilled VPN authenication configuration
FII-SCF-023-SAT-01 Information Security Awareness Training new hire testing (sample) For a sample of new hires, evidence that information security and awareness training was performed upon hire. Evidence could include training completion forms, tracking tool/spreadsheet, or certificates Fulfilled Security Awareness Training
FII-SCF-023-SAT-02 Information Security Awareness Training current employee testing (sample) For a sample of current employees, evidence that information security and awareness training was performed annually. Evidence could include training completion forms, tracking tool/spreadsheet, or certificates Fulfilled Security Awareness Training
FII-SCF-025-TPM-02 Policies are available to vendors/contractors Evidence showing key policies and procedures (e.g. Information Security, Change Management, Incident Management) were available to external parties (contractors, third parties, vendors, customers)) via company [website, shared drive, intranet, email, or contract/agreement, etc.] Fulfilled Information Security Policy
Vendor Management Policy
Risk Management Policy
FII-SCF-013-IRO-14 Escalation Policy Copy of the Escalation policies and procedures for reporting failures, concerns, incidents, and complaints with revision history AND evidence that these escalation policies and procedures were available to external parties (contractors, third parties, vendors, customers) via company [website, shared drive, intranet, email, or contract/agreement, etc.] Fulfilled Escalation Policy
FII-SCF-012-IAC-02 List of new customers Listing of new customers during the audit period Fulfilled List of new customers
FII-SCF-003-BCD-10.1 Contracts for new customers (sample) Contract (service agreement) for a sample of new customers Fulfilled We consider all users who have signed up for the application as customers and there is no specific contract for customers.
CC3 - Common Criteria Related to Risk Assessment
FII-SCF-020-RSK-01 Risk Assessment/Management Policy Please describe your annual risk assessment process in regards to your service under review. (i.e., Risk assessments should identify, quantify, and prioritize risks against criteria for risk acceptance and objectives relevant to the organization. The results should guide and determine the appropriate management action and priorities for managing information security risks and for implementing controls selected to protect against these risks.) Fulfilled Risk Management Policy
FII-SCF-011-HRS-03 Documented (1) compliance manager job description (2) audit manager job description and (3) risk management job description Are there documented position descriptions for Risk Manager or Audit Manager? Fulfilled Currently, CEO is handling all these roles.
FII-SCF-003-BCD-06 Organizational business plans, records of budgets kept, etc. Does entity maintain organizational business plans and budgets? Fulfilled Management Review Meeting Minutes
FII-SCF-001-GOV-04 Evidence could include a report; certification; policies/procedures/ PowerPoint deck Is entity's control framework based on a recognized (NIST 800-53; COBIT; ISO; COSA) framework? Fulfilled SOC2 Type 1 Report
FII-SCF-001-GOV-06 Up-to-date registry of regulatory, statutory, legislative and contractual requirements. Policies and procedures related to the relevant statutory, regulatory, legislative and contractual requirements Fulfilled Compliance Regulatory Policy
FII-SCF-011-HRS-09.1 Master list of system components (servers, Operating systems, databases, etc.) Does management maintain an asset inventory? Fulfilled Description of system/services
FII-SCF-020-RSK-03 Most recently Fulfilled risk assessment Can management provide the most recently Fulfilled risk assessment? Fulfilled Risk Register
FII-SCF-020-RSK-04.1 Most recently Fulfilled fraud assessment Can management provide the most recently Fulfilled risk assessment that includes fraud risk factors?
including evidence that the assessment:- identifies and assesses the types of fraud that could impact business and operations (e.g. fraudulent reporting, loss of assets, unauthorized system access, overriding con"
Fulfilled Fraud Assessment
FII-SCF-027-VPM-06 Most recently Fulfilled network Internal and External vulnerability scan/penetration tests reports Are vulnerability scans or penetration testing performed on a periodic basis? Fulfilled Vulnerability Scan/Penetration Tests Reports
FII-SCF-003-BCD-02.2 Business Continuity/Disaster Recover Plan Is a comprehensive disaster recovery and business continuity plan in place and communicated to relevant personnel? Fulfilled Business Continuity/Disaster Recover Plan
FII-SCF-003-BCD-02.3 Most recently Fulfilled disaster recovery tests Is the disaster recovery program tested on a periodic basis to ensure adequate recovery? Fulfilled Disaster Recovery Test Reports
CC4 - Common Criteria Related to Monitoring of Controls
FII-SCF-007-MON-01 Monitoring system for performance, security threats, and unusual system activity Are tools in place to monitor system performance, capacity, utilization and unusual system activity? Fulfilled Monitoring Tools
FII-SCF-027-VPM-01.1 Most recently Fulfilled pen test results Are vulnerability scans or penetration testing performed on a periodic basis? Fulfilled Vulnerability Scan/Penetration Tests Reports
FII-SCF-007-MON-01.4 Example of monitoring alerts from software Is there file integrity monitoring software in place? Fulfilled File integrity monitoring
CC5 - Common Criteria Related to Control Activities
FII-SCF-020-RSK-02 Most recently Fulfilled risk assessment Are controls within the environment modified and implemented to mitigate identified vulnerabilities, deviations and control gaps? Fulfilled Risk Register
FII-SCF-013-IRO-02 Sample incident response ticket Are performance of the internal controls implemented within the environment assigned to appropriate process owners and operational personnel based on roles and responsibilities? Fulfilled Sample incident response ticket
FII-SCF-013-IRO-01 Incident Response Policies and Procedures Are incidents formally documented? Fulfilled Incident Response Policy
FII-SCF-013-IRO-04 Sample incident response ticket Are incidents resolved in a timely manner? Fulfilled Sample incident response ticket
FII-SCF-013-IRO-04.1 Incident Response Policies and Procedures Is the resolution and closure of incidents documented and communicated to affected users? Fulfilled Incident Response Policy
CC6 - Common Criteria Related to Logical & Physical Access
FII-SCF-013-IRO-12 Information security policies and procedures Are information security policies and procedures in place to communicate managements requirements with regards to user account security, appropriate handling of information systems data, privacy standards, etc.? Fulfilled Information Security Policy
FII-SCF-003-BCD-02 Listing of all systems, DBs, and applications Does management have a policy defining the type of system and user events that should be logged for network devices, operating systems, databases and applications? Fulfilled Description of system/services
FII-SCF-016-NET-03 Example network log extracts demonstrating that logging / auditing was in place for the network that supports the production systems Are logs stored in a centralized log server and not accessible by system administrators? How are historic log files protected from modification and/or deletion? What is your log retention requirements? Fulfilled Example Network Log
FII-SCF-011-HRS-01 Access Control Policy Are user access requests formally documented? Fulfilled Access Control Policy
FII-SCF-011-HRS-02.1 Sample user access provisioning ticket Are user access requests approved? Is the approval documented? Fulfilled Sample user access provisioning ticket
FII-SCF-012-IAC-17 Most recently Fulfilled user access review Are user access reviews performed regularly (e.g., quarterly, monthly, etc.) Fulfilled User Access Reviews
FII-SCF-016-NET-14 Remote Access Policies and Procedures Provide a description of any remote access (i.e. VPN, Terminal Services, RADMIN) and the type of authentication required (two factor, RADIUS, TACAS, etc.) Fulfilled Remote Access Policy
FII-SCF-012-IAC-15 Application administrators/super users for the application that supports the production systems under review Is the administration of remote access technologies restricted to a specific department or group? Fulfilled Application Administrators Users
FII-SCF-016-NET-02 Network diagrams inclusive of all firewalls protecting the production servers under review Do network diagrams exist that illustrate the use of firewalls? Fulfilled Network diagrams
FII-SCF-016-NET-12.2 Firewall rule sets that demonstrate that the system is in place and configured to block certain traffic Are appropriate firewall rulesets in place to monitor and block traffic? Fulfilled Firewall Rules
FII-SCF-008-CRY-03 URL for customer facing web portals w/valid certificate details Are web servers encrypted with SSL/TLS? Fulfilled Customer facing web portals
FII-SCF-008-CRY-05 Encryption policies and procedures Do formal encryption policies exist? Fulfilled Encryption Policy
FII-SCF-009-DCH-10 Disabling of removable media devices if applicable How are removable media devices disabled? ToDo
CC7 - Common Criteria Related to Systems Operations
FII-SCF-003-BCD-11 Backup policies and procedures Are backups of critical data performed regularly (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly)? Fulfilled Backup and Restoration Policy
FII-SCF-003-BCD-11.2 Backup policies and procedures Are backups replicated offsite either virtually or via tape in case of natural disaster? Fulfilled Backup and Restoration Policy
FII-SCF-003-BCD-11.1 Evidence of successful backup restore Are backup restoration tests performed regularly to validate data can be restored if needed? Fulfilled Backup Restoration Tests
FII-SCF-007-MON-01.5 Intrusion Detection System/Intrusion Prevention System Is there an IDS or IPS in place? Fulfilled Monitoring Tools
CC8 - Common Criteria Related to Change Management
FII-SCF-004-CHG-02 Change control policies and procedures Are changes formally documented? Fulfilled Change Control Policy
FII-SCF-004-CHG-02.1 Full population of internal changes (infrastructure, network, database, application) during audit period Are changes formally tested and approved, and is that testing and approval documented? Fulfilled Change Management Ticket
FII-SCF-004-CHG-01 Sample change management ticket to validate that developer did not promote change to production environment Are changes developed and implemented to the production environment by different individuals/teams? Fulfilled Change Management Ticket
FII-SCF-002-AST-04 Network diagrams Are there separate development/test environments from the production environment? Fulfilled Network Diagrams
CC9 - Common Criteria Related to Risk Mitigation
FII-SCF-025-TPM-01 Vendor risk assessment policies and procedures with revision history Does a formal vendor management program exist? Fulfilled Vendor Management Policy
FII-SCF-011-HRS-10 Most recently Fulfilled vendor risk assessment Does management complete annual vendor risk assessments? Fulfilled Vendor Risk Assessment
C1.0 - Confidentiality
FII-SCF-018-PRI-04 Confidentiality policy Are there confidentiality policies and procedures with revision history that describe:
- defining, identifying and designating information as confidential;
- protecting confidential information from erasure or destruction;
- storing confidential data;
- retaining confidential information for only as long as is required to achieve the purpose for which the confidential data was collected and processed
- processes in place to delete confidential information in accordance with specific retention requirements
Fulfilled Confidentiality Policy
FII-SCF-003-BCD-02 Confidential Asset register Do you maintain an inventory listing noting assets that maintain confidential data? Fulfilled Description of system/services
FII-SCF-018-PRI-04.1 Population of Confidential data Will you be able to provide an inventory listing of confidential data within assets, including their classification and retention period? Fulfilled Data Retention
FII-SCF-018-PRI-05 Confidential information maintenance policy Have you documented confidential information maintenance policies and procedures? Fulfilled Confidentiality Policy
FII-SCF-009-DCH-22 Confidential data testing (sample) During the audit we will select a sample of files/documents marked as confidential and evidence of the file / directory access permissions and the list of users with access to the confidential file/document were property limited. ToDo
FII-SCF-009-DCH-21 Confidential data disposal testing (sample) During the audit we will ask for a population of confidential data that required disposal. For a sample of files/documents marked as confidential that required disposal, can you provide evidence that the file/document was disposed following the procedures documented in the Confidentiality and/or Data Disposal policies? Fulfilled Data Retention
FII-SCF-008-CRY-05 Confidential data encryption Can you provide evidence that confidential information is stored in an encrypted, secure environment? ToDo
A1.0 - Availability
FII-SCF-003-BCD-12 Evidence of annual backup restoration testing Does the organization meet its availability requirements? Fulfilled Backup Restoration Tests
FII-SCF-007-MON-01.4 Evidence of hardware usage monitoring (usage alerts) Does the organization meet its availability requirements? Fulfilled Monitoring Tools
Network Log

Last Updated by
Arun K R on August 10, 2023