Source Control Policy

Source Control Policy

Code QualityNetspective Unified Process

All the Software developers of Netspective Communications LLC require to use use Git source code version control for all projects they work on.


  • All developers must use version control for all software development projects.
  • All developers must create or follow individual branches for each feature, bug fix, or enhancement.
  • All developers must use the “master” or “main” branch as the main development branch.
  • All developers must avoid committing directly to the main development branch or other shared branches to prevent conflicts and ensure a clean history.
  • All developers should commit code changes regularly and frequently to the appropriate branch.
  • Commit logical and atomic changes with clear and concise commit messages for better tracking and understanding.
  • All developers are responsible for reviewing and testing their code changes before committing them.
  • Ensure that the changes meet the required standards, adhere to best practices, and do not introduce any regressions.
  • All developers must promptly address feedback and comments received during code reviews.
  • Make necessary updates, clarify any questions or concerns, and seek resolution before merging code changes.
  • All developers should merge code changes carefully, considering the impact on the project and other team members.
  • All developers must follow secure practices for managing credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information.
  • Avoid committing sensitive information to source control and utilize secure methods, such as environment variables or secret management tools.
  • All developers must create and maintain README files in repositories, providing essential information about the project.
  • All developers should familiarize themselves with and follow industry best practices for source control.
  • All developers must keep the lifetime of feature branches as short as possible to reduce the risk of merge conflicts.
  • All developers must merge changes into the main development branch on a regular basis, ideally daily or weekly.
  • All developers must use pull requests for code reviews.
  • All developers must delete merged branches.
  • All developers must use tags for release versioning.
  • All developers must commit the code often to Git.
  • All developers must ensure they are working on the latest version always and fetch the latest code before making updates.
  • All developers must review changes before committing.


Approved by
Abdul Razak on July 5, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Ajay Mohan.K on July 5, 2023