Source Control git-ignore Policy

Source Control git-ignore Policy

Code QualityNetspective Unified Process

All developers of Netspective Communications LLC are require to create a .gitIgnore file at the root of each repository to define files and directories that should be ignored.


  • Create a file named “.gitignore” (without quotes) in the repository’s root directory using a text editor.
  • List specific files, directories, or patterns that should be ignored in the Gitignore file.
  • Ensure that sensitive or confidential information, such as credentials, API keys, passwords, or personal data, is included in the Gitignore file.
  • Use wildcards, such as asterisks (*) or question marks (?), to define patterns for matching multiple files or directories.
  • Regularly review and update the Gitignore file to account for new files or directories that should be ignored.
  • Add build artifacts such as compiled code, logs, and temporary files generated during the build process to .gitignore.


Approved by
Abdul Razak on July 5, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Ajay Mohan.K on July 5, 2023