Operating System Policy

Operating System Policy

Code QualityNetspective Unified Process

All the Software developers of Netspective Communications LLC require all developers who are not working on ‘Windows desktop’ or ‘iOS’ native applications to use Debian-based Linux as their base operating system for code development.


  • Use the latest stable version of Debian-based Linux as the base operating system. [FII-CQI-010-CFP-01]
  • All development environments, tools, and libraries must be installed on the Linux OS. [FII-CQI-010-CFP-02]
  • Regularly update the OS and development environment for compatibility and security. [FII-CQI-010-CFP-03]


  • [FII-CQI-010-CFP-01] Execute the duckdb SQL query to ensure the developer using latest stable version of Debian-based Linux
duckdb -s "(SELECT '$(lsb_release -i -s)' as 'Distributor ID','$(lsb_release -r -s)' as 'Release', '$(lsb_release -c -s)' as 'Codename', '$(lsb_release -d -s)' as 'Descrip
tion'    )";

Expect output as

Distributor IDReleaseCodenameDescription
ubuntu22.04jammyUbuntu 22.04.2 LTS

Approved by
Abdul Razak on August 11, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Abdul Razak PM on August 11, 2023