All the Software developers working on behalf of Netspective Communications LLC
across all the projects must have Githooks scripts that are executed by Git
before or after certain Git events, such as committing or merging code.
All are required to adhere to the formatting githooks tool that aligns with their development or runtime technology listed below.
Runtime Language | Formatting Tool | Remarks |
Node.js | Husky | The same can be used for Node.js, TypeScript, React, Angular, Astro Projects |
Python | pre-commit | pre-commit as a git hooks tool for Python Projects |
All Node.js projects must use Husky to manage Git hooks. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-01]
Ensure to execute the below command in the CLI to install husky. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-02]
npm install --save-dev husky
Ensure to execute the below command in the CLI to configure husky and creating
folder in project root folder. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-03]npx husky install
The following Git hooks must be configured for all Node.js projects:
: to run linting and automated tests before code is committed.commit-msg
: to run commit message linting and validating commit message before commit.
Ensure to setup
to the project for linting staged changes only as thepre-commit
hook. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-04]-
Ensure to execute the following command for installing
. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-04.01]npm install --save-dev lint-staged
Ensure to add the below provided content to package.json to
the project using the ‘npm run lint-staged’ command. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-04.02]"scripts": { "lint-staged": "eslint \"src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,astro,md}\" --quiet --fix && prettier \"src/**/*.{cjs,js,jsx,ts,tsx}\" --write", },
Ensure to add the below provided content to package.json to add command need to be execute when
npx lint-staged
is executed. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-04.03]... "scripts": {...}, "lint-staged": { "src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": [ "eslint --quiet --fix", "prettier --write" ] }, ...
Ensure to setup
to the project for linting commit message as thecommit-msg
hook. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-05]-
Ensure to execute the following command for installing
. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-05.01]npm install @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional --save-dev
Ensure to add and modify the configuration file
and ensure rules must matches the following configuration. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-05.02]module.exports = { extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"], parserPreset: { parserOpts: { issuePrefixes: ["#"], }, }, rules: { "references-empty": [2, "never"], }, };
Ensure to execute the
husky add
command for adding hooks. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-06]-
Ensure to execute the following command to add a
hook. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-06.01]npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx lint-staged || exit 1"
Ensure to execute the following command to add a
hook. [FII-CQI-006-GHP-06.01]npx husky add .husky/commit-msg "npx commitlint --edit"
- A quality resource will run a JQ query on each developer’s CLI every week to ensure that all of the queries return a true result.
[FII-CQI-006-GHP-02] Execute the below command in a CLI to check whether husky is installed.
duckdb -s "(SELECT devDependencies.husky FROM read_json_auto('package.json'));"
[FII-CQI-006-GHP-03] Execute the below command in a CLI to check whether husky is enabled and configured as git hooks.
duckdb -s "SELECT '$(git config core.hookspath)' as 'Husky Enabled?' ;"
- if the command print
in the terminal, It means husky is enabled and configured.
- [FII-CQI-006-GHP-04.01] Execute the below command in a CLI to check whether lint-staged is installed.
duckdb -s "(SELECT devDependencies.lint-staged FROM read_json_auto('package.json'));"
- [FII-CQI-006-GHP-04.02] Execute the below duckdb query in a CLI to verify package.json contains
command in scripts.
duckdb -s "(SELECT scripts['lint-staged'] as 'lint-staged' FROM read_json_auto('package.json'));"
- make sure the output is
eslint \"src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,astro,md}\" --quiet --fix && prettier \"src/**/*.{cjs,js,jsx,ts,tsx,astro,md}\" --write"
- [FII-CQI-006-GHP-05.01] Execute the below duckdb command in a CLI to check whether commitlint packages are installed.
duckdb -s "SELECT devDependencies['@commitlint/cli'] as '@commitlint/cli', devDependencies['@commitlint/config-conventional'] as '@commitlint/config-conventional' FROM read