Code Style guide Policy

Code Style guide Policy

Code QualityNetspective Unified Process

All developers at ?CompanyName? must follow the specific coding style guide relevant to the programming language used in the project.


  • All developers follow the coding styles listed below [FII-CQI-030-IDP-01]
Programming Language/FrameworkStyle Guide
Node.jsNode.js Official Style Guide
JavaGoogle Java Style Guide
PHPPSR-12 Coding Style Guide
DrupalDrupal Coding Standards
WordPressWordPress Coding Standards
TypeScriptTypeScript Style Guide and Coding Conventions
AngularAngular Official Style Guide
ReactAirbnb React/JSX Style Guide
CSSAirbnb CSS-in-JavaScript Style Guide
KotlinKotlin Coding Conventions
SwiftSwift API Design Guidelines
Objective CGoogle Objective-C Style Guide
React NativeAirbnb React/JSX Style Guide
IonicIonic Framework Style Guide
FlutterFlutter Style Guide
PythonPEP 8 - Python Code Style Guide
DenoDeno Style Guide
RustRust Community Style Guide

Approved by
Abdul Razak on September 28, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Abdul Razak PM on September 28, 2023