Code Formatting Policy

Code Formatting Policy

Code QualityNetspective Unified Process

All the Software developers of Netspective Communications LLC across all the projects must have a consistent code formatting process.


All are required to adhere to the formatting tool that aligns with their development or runtime technology listed below.

Runtime LanguageFormatting ToolRemarks
Node.jsPrettierThe same can be used for Node.js, TypeScript, React, Angular, Astro Projects
Denobuilt-in code formatterbuiltin deno fmt formatter
Pythonblackblack as a formatter tool for Python Projects
PostgreSQL SQLpgFormatter


All developers who use Node.js as a runtime for their programming language must use Prettier as the formatting tool. [FII-CQI-060-CFP-01]

  • Ensure to execute the below command in the CLI to install prettier globally.

    npm install -g prettier


  • Ensure to run the following command in CLI to install the packages needed for prettier

    npm install --save-dev prettier prettier-eslint


  • Ensure to add the below provided content to package.json to format the project using the ‘npm run format’ command

    "scripts": {
      "format": "npx prettier --write \"**/*.{cjs,js,jsx,ts,tsx}\"",


  • Ensure npm run format command will run to format with prettier in the whole project. [FII-CQI-060-CFP-01.4]

  • Ensure to enable the extension “Prettier- Code formatter” v9.10.4 or later in Visual Studio Code. [FII-CQI-060-CFP-01.5]

  • Ensure to use prettier --write . command to format all files in the current directory and its subdirectories. [FII-CQI-060-CFP-01.6]

  • Ensure to add default formatter and formatOnSave options in .vscode/settings.json from the root directory.

    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true


  • Ensure to add and modify the configuration file .prettierrc.cjs and ensure rules must matches Deno formatting rule.
    module.exports = {
    semi: true,
    useTabs: false,
    trailingComma: "all",
    singleQuote: false,
    printWidth: 80,
    tabWidth: 2,
  • All React developers must ensure they are following React reference Project for React code quality.


All the developers who uses Deno as a runtime for their programming language must use deno fmt as the formatting tool. [FII-CQI-060-CFP-02]


All the developers who writes or generates SQL must use pgFormatter and the VSCode extension [FII-CQI-060-CFP-03]


All Python developers must ensure they use Black for code formatting. [FII-CQI-060-CFP-04]

  • All Python developers must ensure they follow the steps below to integrate Black with PyCharm:

    ` $ pip install black`
    Open External tools in PyCharm via File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools
    Click the + icon to add a new external tool with the following values:
      Name: Black
      Description: Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter.
      Program: <install_location_from_step_2>
      Arguments: $FilePath$
      Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
    Save the external tool configuration: Click "OK" to save the external tool configuration.



  1. A quality resource will run the below duckdb query on each developer’s CLI every week to ensure that all of the queries return a true result.
  2. An udi-pgp-sqld agent will be created and export these output to a CSV


[FII-CQI-060-CFP-01.2] Execute the below duckdb query in a CLI to verify package.json contains prettier@2.8.4 or later and prettier-eslint@15.0.0 or later.

duckdb -s "SELECT devDependencies->'prettier', devDependencies->'prettier-eslint' FROM read_json_auto('package.json');"

[FII-CQI-060-CFP-01.3] Execute the below duckdb query in a CLI to verify package.json contains format command.

duckdb -s "(SELECT name,type,version,scripts->>'format' FROM read_json_auto('package.json'));"

[FII-CQI-060-CFP-01.4] Execute the below duckdb query in the CLI to run format command and output formatted result as SQL.

duckdb -s "SELECT UNNEST(regexp_split_to_array('$(npm run format -- -c )', '\n')) as 'Format Result';"

ensure getting output as

All matched files use Prettier code style!

[FII-CQI-060-CFP-01.5] Execute the below query in the CLI to check whether prettier plugin for vscode is installed or not.

duckdb -s "SELECT COUNT(*) as 'esbenp.prettier-vscode' FROM (SELECT '$(code --list-extensions --show-versions)' as 'ext_res') WHERE ext_res LIKE '%esb

[FII-CQI-060-CFP-01.7] Execute the below given duckdb query in a CLI to verify formatOnSave and default formatter is enabled in .vscode/settings.json

duckdb -s 'SELECT "editor.formatOnSave","editor.defaultFormatter" FROM read_json_auto(".vscode//settings.json") ; '

Use the below query to export all format related evidence in a single file.

duckdb -s "SELECT filename, name,type,version,scripts->>'format',\"editor.formatOnSave\" as fos,\"editor.defaultFormatter\" as df,'$(lsb_release -a)' as os_details FROM read_json_auto(['.vscode/settings.json','package.json'],union_by_name=True, filename=True);"

One Sample output is

File NameProject NameProject TypeVersionFormat ScriptFormat On SaveEditor FormatterOS Details
.vscode/settings.j…trueesbenp.prettier-vs…Distributor ID: Ubuntu\nDescrip…
package.json@example/docsmodule0.0.1npx prettier —wri…Distributor ID: Ubuntu\nDescrip…


Approved by
Abdul Razak on August 25, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Abdul Razak PM on August 25, 2023