Code Coverage Policy

Code Coverage Policy

Code QualityNetspective Unified Process

All the Software developers of Netspective Communications LLC across all the projects must have a consistent code coverage process.


All are required to adhere to the coverage tool that aligns with their development technology listed below.

Language / FrameworkCoverage ToolRemarks
Node.jsJestThe same can be used for Node.js, TypeScript Projects
ReactJSJest, React Testing LibraryWe use jest and react testing library to unit test react components


All developers who use ReactJS as programming language must use Jest and React Testing Library as the coverage tools. [FII-CQI-100-CCP-01] All developers who use ReactJS as programming language must follow Code Unit testing Policy before going to the steps below.

  • Ensure to execute the below command in the CLI to install packages.

    npm install --save-dev jest @types/jest @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom jest-environment-jsdom jest-junit


  • Ensure to add the below provided content to package.json to run coverage in the project using the ‘npm run test’ and ‘npm run test

    ’ command

    "scripts": {
      "test:coverage": "jest --coverage",
      "test:ci": "npm run test -- --testResultsProcessor=\"jest-junit\" --watchAll=false --ci --coverage",


  • Ensure npm run test:coverage command will run for coverage whole project and generate coverage result in '/coverage/lcov-report' folder. [FII-CQI-006-CCP-04]

  • Ensure to add and modify the configuration file jest.config.cjs and ensure rules must matches Deno formatting rule.

    module.exports = {
      {/* ... */}
      coverageReporters: ["lcov", "text"],


  • Ensure npm run test:ci command will run for coverage whole project and generates a report file junit.xml in project root. [FII-CQI-100-CCP-06]

  • Ensure to add junit.xml in the .gitignore file. [FII-CQI-100-CCP-07]

  • All React developers must ensure they are following React reference Project for React code quality.



[FII-CQI-006-CCP-03] Execute the below duckdb query in a CLI to verify package.json contains required packages.

duckdb -s "SELECT devDependencies->>'jest' as 'jest', devDependencies->>'ts-jest' as 'ts-jest', devDependencies->>'jest-environment-jsdom' as 'jest-environment-jsdom', devDependencies['@testing-library/react'] as '@testing-library/react', devDependencies['@testing-library/jest-dom'] as '@testing-library/jest-dom', devDependencies->>'jest-junit' as 'jest-junit' FROM read_json_auto('package.json');"

[FII-CQI-100-CCP-04] Execute the below duckdb query in a CLI to verify package.json contains test:coverage and test:ci command.

duckdb -s "(SELECT name,type,version,scripts['test:coverage'],scripts['test:ci'] FROM read_json_auto('package.json'));"

[FII-CQI-100-CCP-05] Execute the below duckdb query in a CLI to run the test:coverage command.

duckdb -s "SELECT UNNEST(regexp_split_to_array('$(npm run test:coverage -- --verbose=true 2>&1)', '\n')) as 'Test Result';"

ensure getting output as

Test Suites: (count) failed, (count) passed, (count) total
Tests:       (count) failed, (count) passed, (count) total
Snapshots:   (count) failed, (count) passed, (count) total
Time:        (duration) s
Ran all test suites.

Table will contain the coverage result and a lcov result will be generated in '/coverage/lcov-report' folder.

[FII-CQI-100-CCP-06] Execute the below duckdb query in a CLI to run the test:ci command.

duckdb -s "SELECT UNNEST(regexp_split_to_array('$(npm run test:ci -- --verbose=true 2>&1)', '\n')) as 'Test Result';"

Ensure getting coverage report as mentioned above along with a junit.xml file in the project folder.

Approved by
Abdul Razak on September 28, 2023 |
Last Updated by
Abdul Razak PM on September 28, 2023