Data Retention

Data Retention

Data Retention

Confidential information and Data Retention
Record nameStorage locationPerson responsible for storageControls for record protectionRetention time
Customer Personal InformationDatabaseRinshadCEOWe are archiving the record, not deleting it.
Employee Personal InformationHR DepartmentSarji MohammedaliSarji MohammedaliWe are archiving the record, not deleting it.
Organization Business InformationGITShahid N. ShahShahid N. ShahWe are archiving the record, not deleting it.
Health Information of EmployeesNot applicableNot applicableNot applicable
Legal InformationsCEOCEOWe are archiving the record, not deleting it.
legal strategiesCEOCEOWe are archiving the record, not deleting it.
Intellectual Property of OrganizationsCEOCEOWe are archiving the record, not deleting it.
Financial Information(Organization/Employee/Customer)CEOCEOWe are archiving the record, not deleting it.

Disabled users

Disable user list

Open Project Disable user list

Gitlab Disable user list